Fiction begets reality

So often I joked about changing my name to Paige Turner that when I was trying to think of a tag line for this blog, that's what popped into my head. I've even jokingly conferred Paige Turner awards on my web site in the past. Now I hear thriller writer James Patterson has come up with something called--drum roll please--the James Patterson PageTurner Awards.

You can use that link to visit the site and make a nomination for a person, company, school, or other institution who has spread the excitement of books and reading. And, readers, this is a biggie. $25,000.00 grand prize all the way down to a thousand bucks. Plus free books donated to children in the winners' selected cities. Sounds like a great concept. Official rules on the web site.

Will my Paige Turner awards have to be renamed? Hmmm. Will have to think on this though there's no danger of mistaking my very tongue-in-cheek awards for Mr. Patterson's. While he can easily offer twenty-five grand, my pockets are deep enough to award only twenty-five cents. And that's on a good day.

Feel free to talk among yourselves and pass on this info.

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