Help hurricane survivors

The Truth Laid Bare is trying to organize bloggers' donation efforts. They've asked bloggers to register their blog and write about disaster relief efforts so I've done that. There are many organizations ramping up to help with disaster relief so I've included a list of the major ones below.

If you want to read more about what bloggers are trying to do, then visit these links: Glenn's roundup post at Instapundit, Technorati flood aid, and Hurricane Katrina.

Places where you can find out how you can help, what is needed, and how to donate.

American Red Cross

America's Second Harvest

Catholic Charities

Churches of Christ Disaster Relief Effort

Episcopal Relief

Lakewood Church/Joel Osteen working with other Houston area churches and Houston Mayor Bill White to raise the $5 million needed to feed several thousand refugees who will be living in the AstroDome for a month.

Lutheran Disaster Response

Presbyterian Disaster Relief

Salation Army

Soldiers' Angels Katrina Relief

Southern Baptist Disaster Relief

United Jewish Communities

United Methodist Church Relief

For helping pets or livestock:

Humane Society

Noah's Wish

1 comment:

  1. there's also the louisiana state university vet school that has a list of specific supplies for the animals . .

    And I've read that Habitat for Humanity is already trying to figure out temporary housing. No idea where I read that though.
