Last Days to Enter Lone Star Writing Contest

You still have a few days left to enter the 22nd Annual Lone Star Writing Competition, sponsored by Northwest Houston RWA©

The contest closes June 8!

This year, a Romance Novella category, to include all sub-genres of romance, has been added.

What Makes This Contest Different

The Lone Star Writing Competition is one of the few contests where each first round entry is judged by 2 published authors plus 1 unpublished author. The Finalists’ entries will be judged by 3 industry professionals, agents, editors, and Epublishers.

  • Entry fee: $25
  • Deadline: June 8, 2014, midnight CDT
  • Finalists announced: August 18, 2014
  • Winners announced: October 4, 2014, at Lone Star Conference in Houston, TX.

For The Rules, click here.

For the Entry Form, click here.

Final Judges

Contemporary Series: rica Thompson, coordinator
  • Agent: Jill Marsal, Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
  • Editor: Piya Campana, Harlequin
  • Epublisher Tara Gelsomino, Crimson Romance

Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal: Emmly Jane, coordinator
  • Editor Junessa Viloria, Random House
  • Editor Brenda Chin, ImaJinn Books
  • Epublisher Chris Keeslar, Boroughs Publishing Group

Historical / Regency: Christiana Tegethoff, coordinator
  • Agent Holly Lorincz, MacGregor Literary Agency
  • Epublisher Allison Byers, The Wild Rose Press
  • Epublisher Debby Gilbert, Soul Mate Publishing

Inspirational: Anna Katherine Lanier, coordinator
  • Agent Kimberly Shumate, Living Word Literary Agency
  • Editor Raela Schoenherr, Bethany House Publishers
  • Epublisher Nicola Martinez, Pelican Book Group

Romance Novella: Ruth Kenjura, coordinator
  • Editor Lauren Plude, Grand Central Publishing
  • Epublisher Alycia Tornetta, Entangled
  • Epublisher Cindy Davis, The Wild Rose Press

Romantic Suspense: Robin Sweet, coordinator
  • Agent Jessica Alvarez, BookEnds, LLC
  • Editor Alicia Condon, Brava (Kensington)
  • Epublisher Char Chaffin, Soul Mate Publishing

Single Title: Sarah Andre, coordinator
  • Agent Pam van Hylckama Vlieg, Foreword Literary Agency
  • Editor - Katherine Pelz, Berkley Publishing Group (Penguin Group)
  • Epublisher Pat van Wie, BelleBooks

Young Adult: J.D. Faver, coordinator
  • Agent Jenny Bent, The Bent Agency
  • Editor Niki Flowers, BelleBooks Inc.
  • Editor Annie Stone, Harlequin Teen

Need a specific answer or further information? Contact Contest Coordinator Patti Macdonald by email: PattiAnnMacdonald at gmail dot com.

Takeaway Truth

Take advantage of this chance to get your work in front of credible judges. Don't delay. Enter today.

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